Tonga Volcano and Tsunami 2022
Where is Tonga?
Tonga Development
- Capital City: Nuku’alofa
- Total area: 747.00 km2 (717.00 km2 land area, and 30.00 km2 water area)
- Population: 104,494
- GDP: $450.35 Million
- GDP per capita is $4,364.02
- HDI ranking: 104 (2019)
Volcano Details
- Volcano Name: Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai
Satelite View of Tonga Volcano Explosion
La violenta erupción del volcán Hunga Tonga-Hunga Haʻapai capturada en video por los satélites GOES-West y Himawari-8.
— Ciencia y Mas! (@Cienciaymas_) January 15, 2022
Why the ocean depth of the Hunga Tonga caldera created the 'sweet spot' that produced such an explosive eruption.
— Alistair Hamill (@lcgeography) January 21, 2022
Graphic based on research by @scronin70
Size of the Tonga Volcano compared to UK
Wow. The size of Tonga’s volcanic explosion compared to Europe.
— Diego Saez Gil (@dsaezgil) January 16, 2022
Earths Crust Near Tonga
What does the Earth's crust look like near Tonga?
— BC (@mildthing99) January 15, 2022
W to E #ElevationProfile showing #HungaTongaHungaHaapai volcano + #TongaTrench (c10,000m deep) #ConvergentMargin betw the Indo-Australian Plate and Pacific Plate
Using @ArcGISOnline #GeographyTeacher #TectonicHazards @GIS4Schools
3D bathymetric image of the central Tofua arc in #Tonga with known submarine volcanic eruptions (since 2000). Volcanic activity is not uncommon but the recent #HungaTongaHungaHaapai eruption was much bigger than any historic event in the region.
— Philipp Brandl (@lithophilipp) January 19, 2022
How are Tsunamis Formed?
Secondary Hazard
Tsunamis are rare events caused by destructive plate boundaries when plates move.

Environmental Effects
Effects on the Environment

Human Effects
Effects that impact humans.

Long Term Responses
Short Term Responses